Thursday, 21 June 2012


University is a scary prospect, especially when you're a parent - how will you manage to put all the hours of study in while still looking after your little monkey? As many of you may know, I want to make it work; life won't get the better of me and I will get through a degree.

However, before I am able to do so, I need to actually get onto a uni course. I am looking at Interior Design courses, as I have always had a great interest in 'designing' rooms - I say it like that as when I was younger my idea of designing was scouring the Argos catalouge for pictures of furniture and decorations that I liked. I have to admit, I do still do this now! When my parents were ever wanting anything from Argos they would just ask me and I would find it in the catalouge in a flash, I was the Argos Queen!

Before I had Willow, I used to dream about going to the University of Massachusets, and in my head it was a reality but unfortunately becoming a parent changes your plans. Now, I am limited to the choice of 3 unis: Portsmouth, Southampton and Southampton Solent, just because of the fact that I don't want to move away from home and the brilliant support network I have here, not just yet.

If I could, I would love to go to Richmond University, I don't know why. I think I just love the idea of a degree that is acceptable both here, and in the US, 'cause you never know, I might just move to the US one day...

Open days are fast approaching for the uni's that I want to look at, which is very scary. I'm so far planned to go to three open days, so I will report back on how those go.

Much Love,
Young Mummy xxx


  1. Hi, don't worry about your degree being "acceptable" in the US, there is no such thing (my husband is a university professor). Degrees aren't like GCSEs or A Levels where you need a certain number of points to go further. The degree you do and the institution you do it at will influence future employers but only in the way they decide it does. I'm sure Americans would be more impressed if you went to Oxford/Cambridge or any of the other Russell group universities than if you went to one in the UK run by Americans. I needed a degree to get into my chosen career path, but once I was there future promotions only depended on my experience and ability. Only if you wanted to practice law or medicine would I worry about compatibility with other countries.

    1. Thanks for the reassuring comment. I really don't know what to do about uni at the moment! Wish I did. Ah well, I'm sure I'll know what to do with time...
