
So, I want to get my blog out there! I want people to read about me, and my life and think "Wow, that girl is an inspiration". Go on, share my blog with your friends! Maybe you know a young girl who has just discovered that they're pregnant/ a young mum, I would love you to introduce me to them! Here's my twitter ;)

I am 17 years old, Mum to a gorgeous nearly 2 year old little girl called Willow and I want to prove that you can be a young mum, but also create a successful life and career for yourself! So, to try and abolish the stereotype of young mums I am blogging about all my experiences in life. Sometimes my blogging may be a little slack, or I might not write for a while, however I'm gonna use Greg from Real Life Comics excuse: I have an infant. By the way, Harper from the comic was born on my boyfriend's birthday - Tyler is also Willow's father, so don't go assuming that cause I'm a young parent I haven't stuck with babies Dad! :) This is the first ever post I wrote on here, it explains the exciting ride that we experienced when discovering I was pregnant!

I do hope you enjoy my blog, why not subscribe via email? ------------>

Oh, and I like cake! I love to make cupcakes, but if you want to send me a cake then my email is elle@talesofayoungmummy.com email me and I'll tell you my postal address. The cake may get a little squashed, but I don't mind!

Much love to you all,
Young Mummy xxxxx


  1. I'd love to interview you for my blog--I feature stories of inspiring young moms at www.tinybluelines.com. Contact me at cmsaelen@svsu.edu if you're interested in being featured, thanks so much! :)

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