Friday, 27 January 2012

Motivation issues!

This is how I feel right now! x
Hi guys,
Just a quick post. I need some help with motivation. I have a deadline on Monday for all of my photography coursework and I have no motivation what so ever at the moment..... HELP!!!

How do you make sure that you're focused and motivated? Any ideas would be great!

I just found this picture - isn't it great?

Thank you,
Love Young Mummy xxxx

Thursday, 26 January 2012

25 Things to Make Your Life Easier

I found this just now, and some of the stuff is pretty cool! So I thought I'd re-post so that you guys had a chance to check it out too. I found it here at The Daily Buzz

Clever ideas: hull strawberries with a straw
Hull strawberries easily using a straw.

Clever ideas: use a walnut to heal furniture scratches
Rubbing a walnut over scratches in your furniture will disguise dings and scrapes.

Clever ideas: WD40 for cleaning crayon off TV screens
Remove crayon masterpieces from your TV, computer screen or wall with WD40.

Clever ideas: keep a cut apple from going brown
Stop cut apples browning in your child’s lunch box by securing with a rubber band.

Clever ideas: store bedlinen sets inside their pillowcases
Overhaul your linen cupboard – store bedlinen sets inside one of their own pillowcases and there will be no more hunting through piles for a match.
Clever ideas: bowl as iPhone sound amplifier
Pump up the volume by placing your iPhone / iPod in a bowl – the concave shape amplifies the music.

Cleaver ideas: wet wipe dispenser as plastic bag storage
Re-use a wet-wipes container to store plastic bags.

Clever ideas: baby powder to remove sand from feet
Add this item to your beach bag. Baby powder gets sand off your skin easily – who knew?!

Clever ideas: velcro strip on wall to hold soft toys
Attach a velcro strip to the wall to store soft toys.

Clever ideas: gift wrap storage on cupboard ceiling
Look up! Use wire to make a space to store gift wrap rolls against the ceiling, rather than cluttering up the floor.

Clever idea: stocking over vacuum to pick up lost items
Gotcha! Find tiny lost items like earrings by putting a stocking over the vacuum hose.

Clever idea: box lid cupcake holder
Make an instant cupcake carrier by cutting crosses into a box lid.

Clever idea: how to fold a fitted sheet
For those who can’t stand the scrunching and bunching: how to perfectly fold a fitted sheet.

Clever idea: magnetic bobbypin storage
Forever losing your bathroom essentials? Use magnetic strips to store bobby pins (and tweezers and clippers) behind a vanity door.

Clever idea: use shower caps to hold shoes when packing
A tip for holiday packing. Store shoes inside shower caps to stop dirty soles rubbing on your clothes. And you can find them in just about every hotel!
Clever idea: muffin pan craft storage
A muffin pan becomes a craft caddy. Magnets hold the plastic cups down to make them tip-resistant.
Clever idea: bread tags as cable labels
Bread tags make the perfect-sized cord labels.

Clever idea: cook cupcakes in ice cream cones
Bake cupcakes directly in ice-cream cones – so much more fun and easier for kids to eat.
Clever idea: microwave your own popcorn in a plain paper bag
Microwave your own popcorn in a plain brown paper bag. Much healthier and cheaper than the packet stuff.
Clever idea: use a tension rod to hang spray bottles
Brilliant space-saver: install a tension rod to hang your spray bottles. Genius!

Clever idea: how to make heart-shaped eggs
Win friends at breakfast with this heart-shaped egg tutorial. Aww shucks!
Clever idea: use upside-down muffic pan to make cookie bowls
Turn your muffin pan upside down, bake cookie-dough over the top and voila – you have cookie bowls for fruit or ice-cream. Click here for recipe.
Clever idea: freeze aloe vera lotion for soothing burns
Freeze Aloe Vera in ice-cube trays for soothing sunburn relief.

Clever idea: gutter veggie garden
Gutter garden: Create a window-box veggie patch using guttering.

Clever idea: egg cartons for Christmas ornament storage
Use egg cartons to separate and store your Christmas decorations.

Why not re-post it aswell, share these tips around!
Much love,
Elle xx

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Quick Update I guess..

Seeing as I really don't feel tired yet I thought perhaps I should update you all on our life...
A week and a half ago now was my AS Core 1 Maths exam, of what fun that was! I think it went ok, I really am hoping that it has done! And next week is my deadline for my Photography - all of Unit 1, so everything since September. So I'm pretty stressed at the moment. Something I have noticed over the past few days however is that I really have slumped back into the deep procrastination circle, when you do one thing, that then triggers another thought which makes you do another task - I can be procrastinating for hours! I mean tonight I made dinner, normally I work through the time that Mum makes dinner - don't get me wrong, I did enjoy doing it but why?! Why when I had the opportunity to do some work did I not take it?
It was exactly the same last night, I was making macaroni cheese at half 10... Because on a Tuesday Willow goes to her Great, great Auntie Margaret who doesn't have a microwave to heat meals so I thought I best make some pasta... If I'd made it at dinner time I might have understood my thinking, but no!
On the Willow front all is good! Her hand has healed perfectly, health visitor came last week and she's all good there. Just need to make her a doctors appointment about her huge swollen tummy, does anyone have any experience what it could be? She's always had a large swollen tummy and in the summer we were up at the children's ward and nothing was solved there. At first they said that it could have been Hirschsprung's Disease which freaked us out, after getting Whooping Cough we didn't want our baby to have any other nasty problems. Then the pediatrician said that it could have been a gluten allergy.. But who knows, it's not actually ever been investigated further, so after my photography has been handed in Willow and I will be straight down to our GP and demanding that something happens. She does have symptoms of Hirschprung's which is worrying, she has always had a larger abdomen from birth, even when we had a scan her tummy measurement was that of a 37 week baby and all other measurements were that of a 33 week baby , which is proof that if there is anything there then it is congenital... she has explosive stools, she used to have a lot of feeding difficulties - I had to stop breast feeding at 12 weeks as she used to be on me for 2 hours then a 20 minute gap and be wanting more, she was diagnosed with Tongue tie.
So the coming weeks we have Willow's hospital appointment with Dr Harms, she will love to see the dr, she calls her 'My lovely Whooping Cough baby' she says that she will always recognise Willow's cough! Next thing, half term!Anyone got anything exciting planned? Oh, and can't forget, next week on Tuesday and Wednesday I've got two nights out in a row! BLISS, nothing to worry about!

Over and out m'dears, much love Young Mummy xxxx

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

I Want Christmas Back!

I loved having two weeks off of school to spend with Willow and all of our fab family, and I miss that time so much!

BritMums' writing prompt this week is 'highlights of your Christmas' But I'm not quite sure that there is one thing I can chose that was a highlight - I loved all the time I had to spend with my gorgeous little girl.

Obviously one moment that is unforgetable is the opening of presents and stockings, but this year I'm not sure that Willow really knew what was going on. She was a very lucky girly this year and Santa came to Mummy's house AND Daddy's house! Something that is quite strange though is that at Mummy's house the things are just in the stocking, but at Daddy's house stocking presents were wrapped - how strange!

What happens at your house, to wrap or not to wrap?

Willow loved her lunchbox which her Uncle Jayden brought her, it came with a spoon and I think that must have been her favourite present! Of course Daddy would say that her favourite present was 'noman, a small version of his favourite teddy from The Snowman (hence the name 'noman as when he was little he couldn't say it properly, awwwww!).

Did you give presents that brought childhood memories back? What were your little monsters' favourite presents?

As I've previously mentioned, Willow started to crawl over Christmas. Now, this must be a highlight of the few weeks, she's such a little monster! Now Willow is also 'cruising' around furniture too, but one peice she can't quite work out is Daddy's wheely computer chair, she gets stuck within the legs!As a previous post mentioned, I'm now aware that crawlers get into trouble! So, just thought you might like to know - her burns are looking much better now, bandage off and doesn't appear to be hurting her when she uses her hand.

Why not write a post on your Christmas Highlights and link up to BritMums?

Bye for now, I've got Maths revision to be doing - exam on Friday!
Love Elle xx

Thursday, 5 January 2012

Crawlers Get Into Trouble!

So, as all parents probably know, once your child begins to become mobile you're in trouble!

As I said in my last post Willow has begun to crawl. On New Years Day we had a disaster!

Because over the Christmas Holiday period Willow has got so used to spending so much time with Tyler and I she has become very clingy (I hear this is common at her age anyway?) so whenever I leave the room I have to take her with me and sit her beside me to prevent screaming.

So, New Years Day, about 8o'clock I went to go and pack her carseat away in the cupboard and sat Willow beside me, and while I was in the cupboard heard a scream, I ran to her as it wasn't the normal 'whine'. When I entered the lounge I found she had her hand on the fire - we have a closed log burner, with a glass front, but what shocked me the most is that she wasn't actually moving her hand, I thought that she had melted her hand onto the glass! I did what my instinct told me to do and ran her hand under the kitchen tap, whilst giving her a shower at the same time! I ran to Tyler and we rushed to A&E with her, all the way there she screamed.

So, after waiting for a consultation from a Doctor I swear she nearly screamed the hospital down. The fact that I was in such a state from seeing her hurt (and thinking it was my fault she was hurt) probably made her far more stressed, which of course didn't help matters. She was also ready for bed, which again didn't help as she wanted her milk - we actually had the milk with us as on the way out of the door I grabbed it as an attempt to console in the car on the way up - didn't work! We waited for nearly an hour for the Dr to come, but once she arrived she was pretty prompt in checking her out, then said a nurse would be round in about 5 minutes to administer some pain killers then she would return in 10 minutes to see how Willow had reacted to them - this didn't happen for another 40 minutes. I hate all the waiting around you get in hospitals, especially when my daughter is quite obviously in pain!

The Dr did mention about going up to Salisbury in the morning to burns unit as it could be quite serious, but once she returned after Willow had been calmed slightly by the pain killers she said that we needn't do that. So we waited for painkillers to be prescribed and off we went, only to return in the morning!

The next day we were up at A&E again - we had been told to return, no extra injuries! We waited for ageess! Nurse came, had a look and redressed it and told us to make an appointment for two days time, so that was all ok!

Tyler said that taking her to nursery on Wednesday was a pain, there were a gazillion forms to fill out, about the bandage, about the medicine, and god knows what else..

A week later and we still have a little girly with a bandage on her hand - well when it stays on there! At the moment it's an orange bandage from her tea last night, cause getting it off and replacing it is such a struggle. On Wednesday we were told to keep the bandage on until the blisters had all popped and healed to prevent infection. I know that one blister has popped (there are 3), but how the hell am I meant to know when it's healed if we're keeping the bandage on?!

Hopefully this doesn't happen again!
Bye for now,
Love Elle xx