Tuesday, 17 July 2012

50 Shades of Grey

No, I don't mean the book.
I was just checking my feeds when I saw a post from MMM and thought I just had to share this picture with you guys. I absolutely adore Interior Design, and how amazing would it be to have a playroom/bedroom for the little ones? I really do adore the play beds that you can get, with the slides and tents, but they are just so expensive! One day Willow will have one!

That's all for now, I will post properly later, I promise!

Much love,
Young Mummy xxxx

Sunday, 1 July 2012


This Wednesday is another live Twitter chat thanks to Prymface, at 8.30 GMT. For the chat we will be using the hashtag #youngmumschat. Last week was a brilliant chat, and this week I am asking some of the questions along with Giggles and Tickles.

I wrote a post for Giggles and Tickles, it's again about my life over the past year and discovering I was pregnant. It can be found here Giggles and Tickles .

Love Young Mummy xxx